This blog post is duplicated as an OpenAIRE news item. OpenAIRE works to develop tools for Open Science and has established an open and sustainable scholarly communication infrastructure responsible for the overall management, analysis, manipulation, provision, monitoring and cross-linking of all research outcomes. This mutual effort and collaboration between OpenAIRE and FAIRsharing will ensure that this interconnected […]
The COVID-19 Rapid Review Initiative
FAIRsharing helps the COVID-19 Rapid Review Initiative mandating data sharing via repositories Republished from the OASPA blog: The C19 Rapid Review Initiative – a large-scale collaboration of organisations across the scholarly publishing industry – has agreed to mandate data deposition across the original group of journals that set up the collaboration (eLife, F1000 Research, Hindawi, PeerJ, PLOS, […]
#terms4FAIRskills hackathons – December 2020 By Laura Molloy and Peter McQuilton This post is reproduced from the original posted on Dec 16th, 2020 on the CODATA blog. The terms4FAIRskills core team was delighted to welcome a group of keen annotators from across Europe to join in a hackathon on 11th and 15th December 2020. Participants […]
We’re delighted to announce a new collaboration between the DMPonline service and FAIRsharing. Responding to DMPonline user requests, you will soon be able to access metadata from FAIRsharing in the DMPonline Data Management Plan service! Funding bodies increasingly require their grant-holders to produce a Data Management Plan (DMP), both during the bid-preparation stage and after […]
At the end of July 2020 FAIRsFAIR and FAIRsharing joined forces to collaborate and interconnect their activities on areas of common interest, aimed to make FAIR Data a reality in Europe, such as common definition on what the FAIR principles imply for data repositories, services, semantic artefacts and other research outputs, and a commonly defined […]
This post is reproduced from the ‘Open Working’ blog from the 4TU.Centre for Research Data and TU Delft Research Data Services, by Esther Plomp, Paula Martinez Lavanchy, Marta Teperek, santosh Ilamparuthi, and Yasemin Turkyilaz-van der Velden. JULY 10, 2020 FAIRsharing: how to contribute to standards? Contributors in order of chronological contribution: Esther Plomp, Paula Martinez Lavanchy, Marta […]
All change please!
FAIRsharing, as a reflection of the data and standards community has been constantly evolving and adapting to provide the most accurate and appropriate information on models and formats, terminologies, reporting guidelines, identifier schema and FAIR metrics, linking them to comprehensive records on repositories and knowledgebases and to the journal and funder data policies that endorse […]
Welcome to the FAIRsharing blog. This is our first post. We’ll use this blog to provide updates on our work and collaborations, as well as to provide hints and tips on how to search our data and to add your resources to FAIRsharing. If you have any questions or comments on FAIRsharing, please send them […]