
FAIRsharing engagement grows within Oxford research support

Last year, we reported on the first set of Oxford FAIRsharing Community Champions. In 2025, our growing engagement within Oxford research support, RDM and research practice areas has resulting in a corresponding growth in our Champion numbers from within Oxford. FAIRsharing is rooted in the University via a group of Oxford Champions from Bodleian Libraries, […]


FAIRsharing grows roots into Oxford research support

FAIRsharing is pleased to announce stronger ties to University of Oxford’s research support expertise and teams, in the form of four new Community Champions. This collaboration will result in greater connectivity for FAIRsharing’s registry and educational provision within Oxford’s Research Practice Programme and Community. Our new FAIRsharing Champions have a strong background, and leadership roles, […]


FAIRsharing is now an ORCID trusted organisation

FAIRsharing has partnered with the Bodleian Library and the University of Oxford to become a trusted organisation within ORCID. This has improved user authentication and has paved the way for future work.