
FAIRsharing grows roots into Oxford research support

FAIRsharing is pleased to announce stronger ties to University of Oxford’s research support expertise and teams, in the form of four new Community Champions. This collaboration will result in greater connectivity for FAIRsharing’s registry and educational provision within Oxford’s Research Practice Programme and Community. Our new FAIRsharing Champions have a strong background, and leadership roles, in Research Support and Research Data Management.

Alex Fraser is a postdoctoral researcher with the Attention, Brain and Cognitive Development (ABCD) group within the Department of Experimental Psychology. He is currently on a partial secondment to the University of Oxford Research Support team who brings his background in domain-specific data stewardship to the programme.

David Tomkins is the Research Data Curation Specialist at the Bodleian Libraries. With a focus on the Social Sciences and Humanities, David hopes to facilitate discovery and re-purposing of research data and other resources through a combination of advocacy and the surfacing of data policies and standards.

Laurence Brown is the University of Oxford Research Support team leader, with a background in neuroscience. Laurence hopes to work on standards for actigraphy data and improving connections between the research data community in Oxford

Tim Gamble-Turner is a Research Technology Specialist within the University of Oxford Research Support team, with a background in psychology.