
FAIRsharing content accessible from ARGOS & OpenDMP templates

This post was co-published as a TIER2 news item, and was written by representatives from OpenAIRE, FAIRsharing and other collaborators within the TIER2 project. About OpenAIRE and FAIRsharing have extended their collaboration in the context of the TIER2 project with the integration of FAIRsharing content, focussing on policy and standards records, within the ARGOS DMP […]


ROR in FAIRsharing: Autumn 2023 Update

In our bi-annual update of ROR in FAIRsharing, we have added ROR logos to all linked organisations in FAIRsharing, and we have updated our mappings to the ROR registry. Find out more in this blog post.


Celebrating the first year of our 18 FAIRsharing Community Champions!

We are proud to announce that the FAIRsharing Community Champion Programme has reached its first anniversary! This post celebrates all of the ways in which these 18 fantastic people have enriched FAIRsharing content while also gaining attribution, expertise and networking.


Linking FAIRsharing records to FAIR Cookbook recipes

The FAIR Cookbook, an online resource that delivers content (“recipes”) to help users make and keep data FAIR, has gained additional connectivity with FAIRsharing. Learn how 582 links to 210 FAIRsharing records have been integrated into 63 recipes using a combination of computational tasks and manual curation.


FAIRsharing and DCC collaborate to align policy metadata

The DCC (on behalf of the FAIRsFAIR project) and FAIRsharing are proud to showcase our recent collaboration that aligned three data policy description efforts, making it easier than ever to create FAIR-aligned data policies and make policy descriptions more accessible to both humans and machines. The FAIRsharing data policy registry, the FAIRsFAIR FAIR data Policy Checklist, and the RDA’s Journal Policy Features have all been aligned and integrated within the FAIRsharing data model.


Data Readiness Group and FAIRsharing at RSECon22

Five researchers from FAIRsharing and the larger Data Readiness Group here at Oxford attended RSECon22 last week, presenting a poster and several talks during the conference. The talks will be available in due course from the RSE Society YouTube channel, but in the meantime there’s a lot of great news about the topics covered and […]


Allyson Lister named as RDA / EOSC Future Domain Ambassador

FAIRsharing’s Allyson Lister has been awarded an RDA / EOSC Future Domain Ambassadorship. Find out what this means and how you can get involved.


Community Curators in the Spotlight: Lindsey Anderson

Welcome to our first spotlight, where we shine a light on one of the many marvellous people who work with and on FAIRsharing. Today we’re focusing on our Community Curation Programme, where we create a collaborative environment where domain experts are selected to oversee certain areas within the FAIRsharing registry in return for a number […]


Enriching Science: FAIRsharing and OpenAIRE AMKE sign a Memorandum of Understanding

This blog post is duplicated as an OpenAIRE news item. OpenAIRE works to develop tools for Open Science and has established an open and sustainable scholarly communication infrastructure responsible for the overall management, analysis, manipulation, provision, monitoring and cross-linking of all research outcomes. This mutual effort and collaboration between OpenAIRE and FAIRsharing will ensure that this interconnected […]