
Accessing FAIRsharing metadata via the DMPonline tool

We’re delighted to announce a new collaboration between the DMPonline service and FAIRsharing. Responding to DMPonline user requests, you will soon be able to access metadata from FAIRsharing in the DMPonline Data Management Plan service!

Funding bodies increasingly require their grant-holders to produce a Data Management Plan (DMP), both during the bid-preparation stage and after funding has been secured. A good DMP requires the identification and use of appropriate standards to cite, report and share data and metadata, and repositories to archive and disseminate research assets.

DMPonline is a tool that helps research teams respond to this requirement, alongside other expectations that their institution or others may apply. DMPonline is based on an open source DMPRoadmap codebase, which is jointly developed by the Digital Curation Centre (DCC, UK) and the University of California Curation Center (UC3, USA).

We have recently completed a Memorandum of Understanding with DMPonline to run a one year trial integration of FAIRsharing metadata into the DMPonline tool. This means that users of the tool will be able to select manually curated metadata from FAIRsharing to inform their DMPs. This includes all our manually curated information on data repositories, knowledgebases, models, formats, terminologies (ontologies, controlled vocabularies etc.), identifier schemas, reporting guidelines and data policies.

We will begin integration in the first half of 2021 and look forward to serving our metadata through the DMPonline service.